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9 results for keyword:child care before and after school
9 results for keyword:child care before and after school

Far less child care compensation paid in 2012

The Dutch tax authorities paid out over 2.4 billion in child care compensation in 2012. This is about 400 million less than in 2011.


Nearly 40 percent of the Dutch population feels that financing child care is primarily a task for the parents

Dutch child care costs rose to 3.9 billion euro in 2011. Nearly 40 percent of the Dutch population feels that financing child care is primarily a task of the parents themselves.


Shorter average distance to nearest after-school care facility

The average distance to the nearest after-school care facility was 900 metres in the Netherlands in 2010.


Fewer parents receive allowance for care provided by childminders

The number of parents receiving an allowance for care provided by registered childminders was reduced considerably in 2010, but more parents received an allowance for other types of childcare.


Childcare closest to home in large cities

Just over 6.3 thousand child care centres in the Netherlands provided day care or out of school care on 1 January 2007. Inhabitants of large cities had both the most choice, and lived nearest to...


More parents receive childcare allowance

Last year, 462 thousand parents in the Netherlands received a childcare allowance, 77 thousand more than in 2007. Total costs of childcare amounted to 3.2 billion euro; parents received 2.6 billion...


Working hours mothers crucial for hours their children spend in formal child care

Mothers working long hours, more often use formal child care facilities than mothers with small jobs.


One in five children attended formal childcare facilities in 2006

In 2006, 490 thousand children, i.e. one in five, in the age category under 13 attended facilities like childcare, after-school care or care provided by registered host parents.
